Sunday, June 24, 2007

SimpleDBM Beta release is out

At long last, an early Beta release of SimpleDBM is out. Downloads are available from SimpleDBM project website. A User Manual is also available.

Due to work pressures, progress has been very slow during the last one year. I am now hoping to build a few sample applications. Testing is still a priority as there are still not enough test cases in some areas, such as the Tuple Manager module, and in particular, coverage of crash/recovery scenarios.


Anonymous said...

I want to understand derby architecture and functioning.I read one of your mails on derby mailing list regarding derby architecture and mails around 2 years back.

I have to work mainly on locking module but i also need to understand interaction between transaction and buffer, transaction and lock , transaction and thread..etc..
Could you please provide me those documents and guide me further..

Waiting for your reply..

Anuj Bhargava
IIIT- hyderabad, India

Anonymous said...

My emailid : anujbhargava[doT]iiit@gmail[doT]com